Wow! These are some very good questions. The fact that no one has been able to provide a decent answer is telling. It reminds me of how no one could provide a valid answer to my questions about two classes of Christians before I faded. Everyone (except for Apognophos) is just saying go read a book, kind of like how everyone was telling me to go read the Bible or Watchtower instead of answering my questions. If you guys can't answer the questions then don't post anything. Better to do that than to get embarrassed like Cofty.
Space Madness
JoinedPosts by Space Madness
One aspect of evolution that does not make sense.....
by EndofMysteries inthe part that does make sense are how bodies adapt over time to surroundings and use.
for example because of eating habits changing, our jaws have become smaller and we don't need wisdom teeth.
or the effect of the sun on our skin, etc.
Being an Atheist Is Bad For Your Health
by Space Madness ini stopped believing in god in july 2013. in the first 3 months or so i felt liberated and relieved that i can live my life anyway i wanted without worrying about an invisible being watching my every move.
i also felt slightly superior that i was able to figure out that god isn't real while the majority of mankind continued to be fooled.
atfer the feelings of excitment statrted to wear off, i started to become more depressed and empty.
Space Madness
"As many others have mentioned, it seems that your data is not reliable."
Not sure what data you are reffering to but the suicide rates come from the World Health Organization who gets their numbers from each country's offical records. It sounds like you haven't read the entire thread.
Being an Atheist Is Bad For Your Health
by Space Madness ini stopped believing in god in july 2013. in the first 3 months or so i felt liberated and relieved that i can live my life anyway i wanted without worrying about an invisible being watching my every move.
i also felt slightly superior that i was able to figure out that god isn't real while the majority of mankind continued to be fooled.
atfer the feelings of excitment statrted to wear off, i started to become more depressed and empty.
Space Madness
for homicide- high atheist = 0.98ppp100,000 against high religion = 14.9ppp100,000.
This shows that were we have free will to determine ending own lives the suicide rate increases by 8.89 , and in countries where taboos exist the rate of homicide increases 15.2 times.
Would this lead us to conclude that in high religious counties there is a lower requirement to take ones own life because someone else is nearly twice as likely to do it for you?
Keep in my I intentionally chose countries that were poor. Religious countries that aren't poor such as Oman, United Arab Emerites, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Tunisia(somewhat poor) all have homicides rate at 1.0 per 100,000 or below.
Back to study next week-Started reading Matthew's gospel
by fulltimestudent ini'm looking forward to next week.
even though, i'm enrolled this semester as an external student, (just to make it easier to go to china during the semester), i'm allowed to attend on-campus lectures and tutorials.. i've just downloaded the unit guides and everything fits in well with my planned china visit, this unit is at 200 level, so its an easier assignment load (just 3500 words in two asssignments) and both due before my planned dates to visit china.
and the exam will be at least two weeks after i get back.. oh!
Space Madness
If you read my comments before they were removed fulltiestudent feel free to answer the questions. So what is your major and what do you plan on doing after you finish school?
Back to study next week-Started reading Matthew's gospel
by fulltimestudent ini'm looking forward to next week.
even though, i'm enrolled this semester as an external student, (just to make it easier to go to china during the semester), i'm allowed to attend on-campus lectures and tutorials.. i've just downloaded the unit guides and everything fits in well with my planned china visit, this unit is at 200 level, so its an easier assignment load (just 3500 words in two asssignments) and both due before my planned dates to visit china.
and the exam will be at least two weeks after i get back.. oh!
Space Madness
What are you some type of Liberial arts major? [Removed, guideline 1 - jgnat. Space Madness, you can take this up with me in PM if you so desire].
Being an Atheist Is Bad For Your Health
by Space Madness ini stopped believing in god in july 2013. in the first 3 months or so i felt liberated and relieved that i can live my life anyway i wanted without worrying about an invisible being watching my every move.
i also felt slightly superior that i was able to figure out that god isn't real while the majority of mankind continued to be fooled.
atfer the feelings of excitment statrted to wear off, i started to become more depressed and empty.
Space Madness
Space, how is life since you returned to the Kingdom Hall, do the Friends treat you better now and cherish you more?
I never actually went back but I'm still thinking about it.
Back to study next week-Started reading Matthew's gospel
by fulltimestudent ini'm looking forward to next week.
even though, i'm enrolled this semester as an external student, (just to make it easier to go to china during the semester), i'm allowed to attend on-campus lectures and tutorials.. i've just downloaded the unit guides and everything fits in well with my planned china visit, this unit is at 200 level, so its an easier assignment load (just 3500 words in two asssignments) and both due before my planned dates to visit china.
and the exam will be at least two weeks after i get back.. oh!
Space Madness
I'm sorry but you are very annoying. I've just started reading your post yesterday and you are easily the most irritating human being I've ever encourted on an internet forum.
Being an Atheist Is Bad For Your Health
by Space Madness ini stopped believing in god in july 2013. in the first 3 months or so i felt liberated and relieved that i can live my life anyway i wanted without worrying about an invisible being watching my every move.
i also felt slightly superior that i was able to figure out that god isn't real while the majority of mankind continued to be fooled.
atfer the feelings of excitment statrted to wear off, i started to become more depressed and empty.
Space Madness
If Durheims hypothesis is back from the beginning of the 1900s no wonder atheists were highest in suicide....
But they still have higher suicide rates over 100 years later in countries where athiesm is considered normal. This is what makes his hypothesis so fascinating.
wait a second, those atheistic first world countries also have better basic education.
Clearly education cause people to kill themselves.
I know you're being sarcastic but the funny thing is Durkheim listed being educated as one of the varibles that increased a person's likelihood of commiting suicide. He reasonsed that pursuing an education strained personal relationships by causing a person to isolate themselves from others during times of study.
Studies also show that people living in cities are more depressed than those living in the countryside because of increased work stress and greater loneliness - cities break down community support networks.
That's pretty much the summary of Durkheim's thesis.
The proposition that there is a relationship between suicide and lack of belief in a god-figure is much more complex than the raw figures that SM seems to have been quoting
I repeat, without knowing the basis for his argument, there is no real discussion.
What don't you understand? Every single person who responded to this thread understands what I'm saying except for you. You're overthinking this. In class the work of Durkheim was brought up and it interest me becuase it reflected what I was going through and what I was experiencing since I stop believeing in God. I also found it interesting that people in rich, educated countries had a higher suicide rate than poor countries and that information seemed to confirm Durkheim's hypothesis. That is all. I made this thread just to share something I found interesting with others on this forum, and since this forum has a lot of people who became atheist later in life, I thought they might be interested as well. I'm not doing a research project, a dissertation, a thesis, or writing an essasy. I'm Just sharing something with people that I found interesting.
Being an Atheist Is Bad For Your Health
by Space Madness ini stopped believing in god in july 2013. in the first 3 months or so i felt liberated and relieved that i can live my life anyway i wanted without worrying about an invisible being watching my every move.
i also felt slightly superior that i was able to figure out that god isn't real while the majority of mankind continued to be fooled.
atfer the feelings of excitment statrted to wear off, i started to become more depressed and empty.
Space Madness
Space- so in these studies what are the specific triggers attributed to suicide among atheists.
Durkeim's main hypothesis was that people who were less integrated into society (more isolated from other people) were more likely to commit suicide. Since people who aren't religious place more stress on indiviual achievements and not on group activies such as religious gatherings or volunteer work, they would be more prone to suicide. Other factors he thought would contribute to suicide was being single, not having kids, and being well educated.
Populations living in the countries you've named, are not living "peacefully"
Sigh. I mean they have inner peace. That despite the fact that they are living in the worse conditons on earth, they are content with their lives and continue to live life by getting married and raising children.
If its your own comparison, please show us your figures. And, as a good student, you should be analysing the sources that discuss what is known about possible other reasons for suicide in any one country.
I post it tommorrow. It's 5:40am and I haven't slept yet.
JW's Anti-Gay position puts them in the axis of ignorance
by scotoma indarkest area is most anti-gay.
perhaps they need to focus on those areas since they seem to agree with them on this issue.
Space Madness
If your hypothesis was correct you would not even have a desire to masturbate.
Are you telling me that the idea of procreation being the only reason for sex is just a hypothesis? What do you think sperm is being released for if not for procreation? Our bodies are wired to start procreating when reach our early teens. Because we live in a society where we need money and maturity to raise children,it is not adivsed for use to procreate that early. We have the desire to have sex because we are able to procreate,when people get old and can no longer procreate the desire goes away.